You Can Call Me Al!

Dearest Clients of The Insurance People:

Hi, everyone! You may be wondering what this blog is all about—it’s certainly a different topic than what we usually post about. But we have so many wonderful new clients that I thought I’d take the opportunity to introduce myself: I’m Alexandra Eidenberg, president and founder of The Insurance People. But please don’t call me Alexandra when we work together: you can call me Al!  

In case you’re curious about why I feel the need to announce my nickname, the story from the beginning is this: it all started when I was a young child. I knew from the beginning—as young as three years old—that I wanted to be called Al. I would always say, “Don't call me Alex! That's a boy's name. Call me Al!”  And it was the 80’s, so my parents said, “No, you're going to go by Aly,” and so I did for a very long time. When I went away to college, I reclaimed my rightful name and told people I met, “Don’t call me Alex or Aly—call me Al!” As an adult, I made that decision for myself because well, it’s my name!

So, if someone knew me prior to college, they’d probably call me by my childhood name—but that’s not what I prefer now! I don’t mind being called Alexandra, but typically, that is reserved for people who don’t know me well yet. And being your insurance agent, I get to know all about you! So please, know this about me. And to reiterate: I don’t like the name Alex at all! I’d rather respond to “Andrea” than to “Alex”! 

As a parting gift, to cement this very important fact about me in your mind, I leave you with the classic Paul Simon song, “Call Me Al.” And don’t forget when you’re emailing me, or calling, or signing off on something important business with The Insurance People, that you can *always* call me Al

Love, Your Insurance Mom,



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